Healthcare in the year 2035

Hiba Azim Written by Hiba Azim
Published on 01 June 2023
8 min. read

Imagine a world where healthcare is streamlined, optimised, and efficient thanks to the power of artificial intelligence. A world where a trip to the doctor’s office is hassle-free and appointments are available at a time that suits you. A world where diagnosis and treatment start as early as possible to give everyone the best possible chance for therapy. This is the world we are moving towards, and it’s all thanks to AI.
Picture this, it’s 2035 and something’s wrong…
You wake up breathless and dizzy, as your eyes come into focus you realise that this isn’t the first time it’s happened. In fact, you’ve been experiencing these symptoms more frequently lately. Usually dismissing the feeling works, but today you’re not so sure. Better to be safe than sorry, especially when it’s easier to be safe than it ever has been before – bitter memories of calling the GP at 8 AM on the dot and waiting on hold for the chance to be given an appointment play in your mind as you reach over and pull out your smartphone.
In one click, you’re connected to RoboNurse, the AI-chatbot provided by your local health service. After entering your symptoms it informs you that combining the information you’ve provided with your family history and risk factors, you may be exhibiting signs of cardiovascular disease and will require further tests. Further information and reading are sent across to your email as you talk to RoboNurse to find out more.  
Work is busy right now and you really don’t want to take time off to go in for a blood test…and luckily you don’t have to! Within a couple of days a letterbox parcel arrives with everything you need for a hassle-free finger-prick blood test. 10 minutes after opening the kit you’re heading back to the post-office to send it off for analysis. Now it’s a waiting game… arguably the worst part of the process is the agonising weeks in limbo wondering whether your health is at risk, trying to concentrate on your work when all you can focus on is whether your phone is about to ring. Well, that used to be the case, you sigh with relief because before you’ve even returned home from the post-office. A notification pops up acknowledging that your test-kit is on its way and an estimated 4 working days to get your results.
Efficiency and Personalised Medicine
Upon arriving at the hospital you reach for your reading book and brace yourself for a long wait but as you settle down you hear the doctor call your name. This must be a record, you only signed in a couple of minutes ago. 
“I’ll be running a chest x-ray for you today and once I’ve reviewed the images, we can discuss the best treatment options going forward and get you a prescription”
“We can do all that today?” you ask, incredulous. She chuckles knowingly.
“Hospitals and healthcare have come a long way in a relatively short amount of time. We now implement AI and other technologies in almost every aspect from hospital administration to diagnosis. Today your x-rays will be analysed by our AI-software which is trained to detect the absolute earliest signs of diseases that humans almost always miss. It will highlight key areas of the scan which I’ll then review further to decide on the diagnosis, so don’t worry we don’t leave it all to the fancy technology.”
“That’s incredible! It must make a huge difference to your workload.”
“Absolutely, my staff are less stressed, and they get to treat more patients who tend have improved outcomes compared to traditional methods. It’s been a game-changer.”
After your scans you stop for a quick coffee whilst the doctor reviews the images, and you’re called back in. The scans indicate that you’re at risk of developing cardiovascular disease and the situation will have to be managed – you knew that you should be eating better and exercising more but this is the wakeup call you needed.
“Will I also need to take any medication to manage the condition? My Dad used to take blood pressure medication when he had heart problems”
“Well blood pressure tablets used to be the first line of defence used against these conditions. However, we can now check medication against your medical history to prescribe the best possible medicine for you specifically rather than a ‘one shoe fits all’ approach.” She responds. “You probably won’t be familiar with the medication itself, but it is much more likely to work as intended and prevent your condition from worsening. You should now have access to a condition management section within your RoboNurse app, I’d encourage you to track your lifestyle changes such as how much exercise you’re getting and alcohol intake but also to log any symptoms no matter how small. This will allow your condition to be monitored accurately and so we can make a more informed decision about how to continue to manage your condition at your next check-up. Would you like the medication to be delivered to the address on file?”
“If possible, that would be great! Will I be able to pick up repeat medication from my GP”
“Oh there’s no need, all of your condition management can be completed through the app including ordering repeat medication for delivery. There’s also an option for you to request a quick phone call with myself if the need arises. You just need to give a brief description of the issue and then I can respond via text or phone call depending on the situation and my availability which should save us  both a lot of faff around booking appointments. Is that clear? Do you have any questions?”
“Perfectly clear, and just one…Is this the future?” You joked.
“For those of us old enough to remember what the healthcare system used to be like, it is absolutely the future” She laughed.
As you walk out of the hospital, you can’t help but think that it’s been two weeks since you first became concerned about your health and in that time, you’ve had a blood test, x-rays, received diagnosis and been prescribed medication that was cross-referenced against your medical history to ensure that it was the best possible option. Some years ago, the entire process could have taken months in which time your health would have been deteriorating and the condition becoming harder to treat. 

Reflecting on the remarkable advancements in healthcare, you begin to consider how holistic approaches can complement these technological innovations. Certification courses available online for Holistic Health Practitioners provide a deep comprehension of the interconnected nature of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Platforms like provide comprehensive training to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to address health concerns from a holistic perspective. By integrating traditional and alternative healing modalities, practitioners can offer personalized care that considers the whole person, not just the symptoms.

As you consider the advancements in healthcare, it becomes clear that the integration of technology with holistic approaches can lead to improved patient outcomes. In today’s medical landscape, having a full suite of healthcare services within a single clinic is not just advantageous; it is essential for comprehensive care.

Clinics like Intrepid Medical embody this vision, offering a wide array of services that span from traditional medical treatments to holistic therapies. By combining these approaches, patients can receive solutions from Intrepid Medical that address not only their physical ailments but also their mental and emotional well-being. This collaborative model allows healthcare professionals to create personalized treatment plans that recognize the complexities of each patient’s health journey.

Moreover, the ability to access diverse services under one roof simplifies the often-overwhelming process of managing health concerns. Patients no longer need to navigate multiple facilities and practitioners; instead, they can benefit from a coordinated network of specialists who communicate and work together to optimize care. This seamless integration ensures that all aspects of a patient’s health are considered, fostering a more effective healing environment.

Glutathione, often hailed as the body’s master antioxidant, plays a crucial role in maintaining cellular health and detoxification processes. Its importance in combating oxidative stress and supporting immune function has garnered significant attention in recent years. As you delve into the realm of holistic health, exploring the benefits of glutathione supplement becomes pertinent. These supplements are believed to bolster the body’s natural defenses against free radicals, which can contribute to aging and various chronic diseases. This synergistic approach not only complements technological advancements in healthcare but also empowers individuals to take proactive steps towards achieving optimal health and vitality.

New technologies have completely transformed the healthcare system, it was something you’d heard about for years but to have experienced it like this. You now truly understand how revolutionary it is. Efficient processes and reduced hospital workloads, earlier diagnosis, personalised medicine for improved patient outcomes and effective supply and delivery of medication. A noble example of using technology for the betterment of human health. You are living in the future indeed.
Sound like sci-fi? Well it’s not. Every single example of AI-technology used in the story above is based on real products being developed right now.
A step change in healthcare is almost upon us and if you want to find out more about AI and its potential to revolutionise the healthcare industry join us at Healthcare 2.0 – we’ll be showcasing the biggest innovators in the healthcare landscape. Brainstorming solutions to the most pertinent challenges faced and exploring the furthest limits of the exciting potential these technologies hold – you don’t want to miss out, grab your ticket today!

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